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Ref.: Psalm 150:6 - Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Psalm 22:3, But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.      

In Psalm 22:3, the word inhabitest is found in the # 3427 in the Strong's Concordance. It defines inhabitest as follows - to sit down, to dwell, to settle, to remain, endure, to marry, make to keep house, lurking and to tarry. He does all of this when we praise Him. He literally lives in our praise.

Many times as the children of Israel were sent into battle, God would instruct them to send Judah first. Judah was the tribe of praise and worshipers. They had their singers, they had their dancers, they had shouters, and musicians. Therefore since God lived in their praise, he went before them.

In 2 Chronicles 20, we see that Jehosaphat assembled the people to pray before they went to battle. God had him appoint those who would sing to the Lord and praise the beauty of his holiness. They went before the army singing, "Praise the Lord for his mercy endures forever." When they began to sing and praise The Lord set ambushes against the enemies army, and the rest of the enemy went about destroying one another. And the Bible says there were none left. Not even women and children. God's people never went into the fight. God had gone before them inhabited in their praise. God is teaching us this same principal today, to drive out the enemy of our souls. We need not look at the battle, for if we will praise him, he will go before us.

David knew the importance of praise and worship. It was the very center of his life. He loved God, no matter what. We see evidence of it through out the Psalms. Such was David's love for God, even in the midst of great adversities this King devoted much time in prayer, writing poems and songs of love to the source of all his being. No matter the circumstances, large or small, good or bad, he still had total trust, total confidence that God was still in control and knew what he was doing. God desires this same love from us today. To have the heart of David towards him. Praise and worship must become all important in our lives. Our relationship with our maker is rooted in our worship.

Worship is derived form 2 English words... worth.. and ship. Simply saying, what is God worth to me? The extent of my worship will determine the value I place on Him. If I only worship Him on Sunday morning and ignore Him the rest of the week, that means he holds little value to me. Worship is also my obedience to him and his word. I worship Him by doing what He says do. In Hebrews 10:25 we see that we worship him by going to church and encouraging one another. When we worship Him it nurtures the nature of God in us. Our personal growth comes from our relationship with him. Paul declared in Phillippians 3:10, that I may know HIM, and the power of his resurrection. If I don't spend time in worship to Him, I won't know him. Prayer writes the check, praise cashes it.

We see back in 2 Chronicles 20 that they prayed first, then they praised. And in their praise, God answered their prayers and destroyed their enemies. In verse 3 we see that Jehosaphat set himself to seek the Lord. Judah gathered together and asked the Lord for help. They talked to him. Verses 5-10 shows Jehosaphat spoke of what he already knew of God, for he had taken time to know God. In verses 14-17 God answered back by His spirit. They were listening to Him. After that they entered into praise, believing God would do what he said he would do. God values his relationship with them.

We see in Hebrews 11, the great hall of fame book is what some call it, that the people recorded here knew the value of relationship with God. And God saw the need to leave it as a testimony to us. To show us the value of our relationship with Him. It is done by faith. Or belief. By faith Abel offered a better sacrifice than the brother who had slain him. God counted it righteous and testified of it. Enoch pleased God therefore God translated him to His Kingdom and he never saw death. Noah being warned in a dream of things to come, built an ark and saved his household. He became the heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Many more are recorded here. What they all had in common was, they knew the value of their relationship with God.

Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. Silas could have said to Paul "every since I joined up with you there has been nothing but trouble," but he didn't. Instead at midnight, meaning in their darkest hour, THEY SANG! They knew the value of their relationship with God, and God delivered them. Paul while in prison wrote these words in Phillippians 4:12+13, I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He believed what the word said about God. He built his relationship with Him. He read the word, he prayed and he listened. He worshipped God by being obedient to what God told him to do. His relationship produced faith, and God gave him his reward.

Jesus himself knew the value of relationship with his father. He was a man like you and I and was tempted of the devil as like to man. But He knew who He was and valued his relationship with God and resisted the devil. The gospels record many times that Jesus went up into the mountains to pray, he knew the value of his relationship with God. Before he went to be crucified, he went to the Garden of Gethsemene to have a long with talk with his father. While hanging on the cross, he prayed for the people asking God to forgive them for they did not know he was who he said he was. The Son of God going about his father's business. He knew who He was and he valued his relationship with his father so much, he willingly went to the whipping post and let them rip out his flesh for our healing. He valued his relationship with his father so much that, when God said this is the only thing that will redeem man back to me, Jesus was willing to go to the cross and die a horrible death for our sins. Likewise, God valued his relationship with his only son so much, he raised him from the dead. Jesus now values his relationship with us so much he ever intercedes for us. Speaking on our behalf to our Father in Heaven. This is the ultimate of relationships.

We have to be willing to put our business aside and build on this one true relationship. He alone is worthy of praise. He alone can heal broken hearts. He alone can give the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. He is your glory and the lifter of your head. Everything we need, Jesus purchased at the Cross. The value we place on him through praise and worship will determine whether we walk in defeat or become over comers. He lives in our praise. He is actually lurking around in your worship. He is married and keeps house in your praise. Sitting down and tarrying with you!

What value do you place on the Lord today? You decide........ Then let him know.

God Bless!

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