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Welcome to my Health pages. Come let me share the things I have found that help me deal with chronic pain and illness on a daily basis.

smallbtrfly.jpg (1175 bytes)Ps:73:26:
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. (KJV)

This verse has seen me through many sleepless nights. Nights of pain in my body, nights of pain in my soul. I am a survivor of Chronic pain and Illness. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromialgia, Incontinence from complications of the RA, affecting my internal organs now. And an all over feeling of not being well, etc. etc. etc.

Did I ever think I would be in this shape? The answer is a BIG NO! But as we know Life can change on a dime!

smallbtrfly.jpg (1175 bytes)Jn:16:33:
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (KJV)

Notice it starts out "I have spoken these things to you that ye might have peace." That is what I hope to accomplish here. Give you peace and encouragement as you go through the daily routine of facing each morning as you get up in pain.

Life turns on a dime. Let me say that again, Life turns on a dime.

BUT you can be victorious, and be an overcomer not a victim. We must loose the victim mentality if we are to live a full life as God intended. Will you be healed in this life? I don't know, but I do know that like the first scripture says, God is your portion. The flesh may fail but God is your portion. That is where our focus must be. It is vital to our survival. To not be moved by circumstances. Paul was beaten, snake bit, put in jail and rejected by his own. But he had a hope, and He KNEW that no matter what things looked liked God was His Portion. Did God put this sickness on us to teach us something? Certainly NOT! But can he work it for good? YES YES YES! If we allow it. Do you want to be a victim or Victorious? It's our choice.

Hit the next button or choose a link on the side, and lets explore together, how to not be defeated, and how to acquire a better quality life in this life we are facing today. Therefore becoming victorious no matter what it looks like in the flesh.

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I was, I still am!!

The big bad A!!!!

Helping myself??

Killing Aloneness

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midi playing, Mercy

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