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Table of Contents

Here you will find some articles to help plant seeds of hope.

When life is crushing in on us it is so hard to maintain our hope. As a result we enter into doubt. We doubt the word was meant for us. We look about and see those who are living their lives as they please, not concerned with spiritual things. It seems that they never have a problem, a worry, a need. Then we wonder what went wrong in our faith. Is God really there? Does he care what's going on in my life? These kinds of thoughts will enter in as a seed in the form of doubt, just as the word does and produces faith. These thoughts unchecked by the word, will grow into mature forms of doubt. We must always cast down imaginations, and capture every thought bringing them into submission to the word of god. Doubt will rob you of your joy, your peace, and your hope.

Our hope is the blueprint for our faith. If we loose our hope, we loose faith.

I hope these Articles, poems, stories, and devotions help to plant those seeds of hope and joy back into your life. I pray they give you something to challenge your determination to walk in the word and not give up. I will be adding as I can so check back often.

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Since 4/19/01